sábado, 21 de julio de 2012


I'm not the kind of person that spends time on facebook or twitter...well, I don't even have a facebook account! Writing about electronic materials is just surreal!
Part of me was aganinst technology, the other part still is! I have many reasons (watch TERMINATOR!), I didn't want to be another lamb in the flock but here I am writing in my blog. What can I say? Baaaa, baaaa, sorry! Check the info. 

4 comentarios:

  1. Jajajaj Maye you are so funny! Thanks for the info. I guess some of us refuse to work with technology but I must say that technology is here to stay and it will still be here even after we have all gone so I guess we should join the enemy and try to get as much advantages as we can and let it do our lives a little bit easier. Especially in our teaching.

  2. Well, as you probably now I hate technology too but I mught as wll give it a try. Maybe being part of the flock won't kill me. Thanks and . . . baaaa!

  3. What can I say!? I still refuse to be a part of social networks, but I do like technology for some other things. So let's use it, if it represents a benefit for our students. Some day what we're using now will be obsolete, so let's be prepared to change.
